This site is dedicated to the memory of Eve Lutz-Mackenzie.

Dr Eve Marie Lutz-MacKenzie was a research scientist of international reputation in the field of molecular biology. Born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and brought up in the Midwest and Pennsylvania, Eve moved to UMIST in Manchester to complete her PhD and then to Scotland where she worked at St Andrews before establishing herself in Edinburgh at the MRC Brain Metabolism Unit. I believe that working amongst valued friends in Edinburgh at the MRC unit were the happiest days of Eve's working life. When the MRC unit was closed Eve moved on to a tenured position at Strathclyde University in Glasgow. She was contemptuous of the profit motive contaminating current academic research, and truly believed in the principles of open exchange of information. Eve was generous to a fault, loved her work and was always keen to collaborate. She was loyal to her friends in a way that is rare these days, never disadvantaging another to advance her own position. Eve had a deep love for her extended family and was equally loved in return. She loved Scotland, the Highlands in particular, and was a keen genealogist, tracing her own ancestors to Inverness and even the Isle of Lewis (where her husband was born and brought up). Applecross, on the west coast of Scotland, is a place that was particularly important to her, being the site from which her Scottish forebears emigrated. She corresponded regularly with the members of the Applecross Historical Society. She will be laid to rest there, close to her ancestors, in a place that she loved. Eve leaves two intelligent and capable daughters, Isobel Faye and Eilidh Catherine, of whom she was rightly proud as they carry many of her fine qualities. She also leaves a husband, and a gap that cannot be filled. Eve rarely complained despite the hardships she endured over her 18 month illness, she loved to laugh and find the good in everything and everyone. That is the legacy that she would want us to carry with us, not a memory of illness that was simply a brief episode at the end of an accomplished life. Eve passed away peacefully at 11:45 pm on Saturday 20th August 2011. The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice provided exemplary care for Eve in her last weeks. Their professionalism and caring attitude meant that we never doubted that Eve was getting the best care possible. The work they do makes an enormous difference to the families as well as the patients.


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